3 to read: Married & competing | Measuring investigative impact | Looking for a lifesaver

By Matt Carroll <@MattCData>

July 18, 2017: Cool stuff about journalism, once a week. Get notified via email? Subscribe: 3toread (at) gmail.

  1. Sharing a bed & a beat on opposite sides of the news spectrum: What’s it like when reporters are married, cover the same beat — and work for newsrooms at either end of the political spectrum? Well, it can get … interesting. A fun read about the awkward (but fun) professional life of this couple, Jennifer Griffin, the national security correspondent for Fox, and her husband Greg Myre, of NPR. By Judith Matloff for CJR.

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2. The new yardsticks for measuring the impact of investigative journalism: In the old days, measuring the impact of an investigative piece was straightforward: How many indictments? That’s changing. A new generation of investigative reporters is measuring impact by some “on less tangible markers like raising awareness and sparking widespread conversation.” It’s a very different way of thinking about impact. An interesting take by Jeff KellyLowenstein for CJR.

3. Legacy media look for lifesaver against Facebook, Google: Legacy newsrooms are splitting with digital natives and are seeking legislative help in their simmering war against the duopoly of Google and Facebook, writes Emily Bell of the Tow Center. The legacy group wants an exemption from antitrust regulations so they can negotiate as one with the social media and search giants. It’s an interesting group of publishers. It includes such longtime enemies as the WSJ and NYT. Will the newsies succeed? Most people see it as a longshot, especially given the near-open warfare between DC and the press.

Break time! ‘3 to read’ returns Aug. 15.

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Matt Carroll is a journalism professor at Northeastern University.

Logo by Leigh Carroll (Instagram: @Leighzaaah